When is the Best Time of Year to See Moose in New Hampshire?

You probably wanna see a moose if you go up to the northern forests, right?

Even though they weigh a ton and are super tall, moose are sneaky. They don’t wanna be seen.

But what is the best time of year to see moose in new Hampshire? We have the answer right in this article.

best time of year to see moose in new hampshire

The Best Time of Year to See Moose In New Hampshire

They hang out in certain places depending on the time of year. We’ll tell you the best time of year to see moose in New Hampshire. So, let’s find out.

May through July & Sept through Oct

Well, grab your calendar and mark down May through July for spring and September/October for fall. Those are primo moose spotting seasons!

Springtime Spree

In the springtime, you’ll find lots of moose munching away in wetland areas, getting nice and fat.

Something else happens in spring, too – the baby moose calves leave their moms and wander around trying to set up their own turf! So, we might see some awkward teenagers roaming around.

Don’t Fall for a Fall

Fall is pretty exciting because that’s mating season – a.k .a. moose hookup time! The boy moose, called bulls, will be strutting around trying to impress the ladies with their big ol’ antlers.

They go all outgrowing huge racks for the occasion! 

Dawn & Dusk

Wanna know a moose’s secret? They’re most active at dawn and dusk when the light is dim. This is gonna be the best time of year to see moose in New Hampshire. So those are key times to spot them!

But be super careful if you’re driving around then because it’s riskier, and people hit moose all the time in Maine. No joke – hundreds of crashes happen every year. Safety first!

Route 16, 26, 112, 105, 110 & 110A

·         If you’re cruising around New Hampshire, there are a few key roads where people tend to see moose. First up is Route 16 north of Milan – moose like to hang out in that area.

·         Then there’s Route 26 east of Dixville Notch. Oh, and Route 112 from Lincoln towards Bear Notch is another good one.

·         The last tip for NH is to take Route 110 north from Berlin up to Route 110A. People have spotted moose wandering around there, too!

·         If we hop over to Vermont, moose also roam near some main roads. Check out Route 114 around Canaan and East Burke.

·         Route 105, heading from Island Pond towards Canaan, is another area for potential sightings. And there’s an observation platform right off Route 105 at Notch Pond Road in North Brunswick – maybe we’d catch a moose getting a drink!

Spots to Spot Moose

Moose live in some pretty sweet spots in the US – like the rocky mountains, the chilly forests up in Maine and New Hampshire, and way up north in Alaska.

Hey, did you know there’s like 60,000 to 70,000 moose just chilling in Maine?

That’s one of the biggest groups in the whole country.

New Hampshire’s got around 3,000 to 4,000 moose – not as many, but still a good amount. And we think Vermont has about 2,000 or so.

The numbers used to be even bigger, but these tiny ticks that come in the winter have started bothering the moose more because of climate change.

Pinkham Notch

Anyway, most of New Hampshire’s moose hang out north of the popular Pinkham Notch area. If you went to Maine, though, you’d have a good shot at seeing one pretty much anywhere.

Even up in the 100-mile Wilderness where those cool lodges and cabins are – what were they called again? Gorman Whatchamacallit? Plus, Medawisla and Little Lyford.

We bet you’d find moose near those places for sure!

Lee Kantar Said Something for You

We got some tips from Lee Kantar – he’s the state moose expert guy in Maine. He says where you can find moose changes depending on what time of year it is.

Example: In spring, the moose like to hang out near roads to snack on the salt and minerals from the runoff. In summer, they’ll be chilling in wetland areas, staying cool and munching on plants. And when fall comes around, keep an eye out for moose in open fields and cleared-out areas.

Why Do They Pick Different Spots?

Well, moose are gigantic, so they need room to lumber around. And they need to eat a ton of plants to survive, so they’ll head to easy feeding grounds. Lee says wetlands and swamps are like moose buffets.

Here’s a Neat Tip, Too – look for moose tracks! They kinda look like huge deer tracks, like the size of your hand. And if it’s a running moose, the tracks can be a few feet apart. So, even if we don’t see a moose, we might see proof they’re in the area!

Wrapping Up

So what do ya say? Wanna a road trip through New Hampshire and Vermont on those highways, keeping our eyes peeled?

Even if you don’t see a moose, exploring those beautiful parts of the country will be pretty awesome, no matter what. Moose or no moose, adventure awaits! You in?

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