8 Funny New Year’s Resolutions For Seniors 2024

Well, dang, another year is upon us fast as fleas on a coonhound!

You and your old buddies might be just chuckling about the Funny New Year’s Resolutions For Seniors and how you oughta make some silly to-do lists to keep 2024 lively.

At our age, a good guffaw with good company does a body better than any prescription.

Funny New Year’s Resolutions for Seniors

Read on for some wacky ways to welcome the new year that’ll have you grinning like a possum-eating sweet tater!

Idea #1: Above-Average Olympian

With a bit of lighthearted silliness, we can help older adults start the new year off happy, healthy, and young at heart.

Funny Storyline/Example to Adopt:

Ever since you see those senior Olympics on TV, you can be inspired to train for next year’s events. Your old friend “runs wind sprints” to the mailbox each day and practices their coin toss technique for hours. Your old senior can’t wait to earn the gold and show off their awards to the bingo hall crowd!

Cost: $500

Things Needed:

·         Entry fees for local senior Olympic contests

·         Humorous, athletic uniform/costume

·         Participation trophy display shelf

How To:

·         Compete as an “elite” athlete in the easiest senior Olympic sports

·         Flaunt massively undeserved awards

Tips to Maximize Humor:

·         Add theatrics to the “world class” training regime

·         Give a ridiculous athlete nickname like “Lightning”

Idea #2: College Frat House Pledge

We may have earned our share of wrinkles, but that doesn’t mean we’ve expired from having fun! Maybe one of these Funny New Year’s Resolutions For Seniors will charm those whippersnapper grandkids enough to spend more time with this ol’ gal.

Funny Storyline/Example to Adopt:

After 50 years, your dad could still reminisce about his fraternity glory days. He can decide this year to recapture the magic by pledging at State U’s Sigma Chi house. Your dad’s shopping for the perfect pledge week outfit and plans to really commit to embarrassing rituals to bond with the “brothers.”

Cost: $800

Things Needed:

·         Dues for a local fraternity

·         Embarrassing hazing ritual gear

How To:

·         Pledge at nearby university’s frat house as their new “senior” member

·         Really commit by participating in all pledge activities

Tips to Maximize Humor:

·         Film the silly rituals to show friends

·         Relive own old frat days with stories “back in my time…”

Idea #3: Undercover Boss

Funny Storyline/Example to Adopt:

Janice has always secretly thought she could run companies better than their own CEOs. She bought a fake business card online and plans to pose as an executive dropping in to evaluate random cafés and shops. We can’t wait to see the staff’s faces when she starts criticizing their ketchup-pouring abilities!

Cost: $2

Things Needed:

·         Official ID badge from the internet

·         Hidden camera

How To:

·         Obtain fake company ID credentials online

·         Tell wait staff and clerks you are a secret shopper, filming experiences

·         Tips to Maximize Humor:

·         Critique petty things like ketchup bottle design

·         Really get into character with a disguised voice/look

Comparing Funny Resolution Ideas #1-3

IdeaCostThings NeededHow to Do
Above-Average Olympian$500Entry fees, costume, award shelfEarn laughs as a pretend elite senior athlete
College Frat Pledge$800Dues, hazing gearPledge university Greek life for hijinks
Undercover Boss$2Fake ID, hidden cameraImprovise executive visits for reactions

Idea #4: YouTube Prankster

Funny Storyline/Example to Adopt:

Grandpa Jack has always had a mischievous sense of humor. This year, he decided to film harmless pranks on strangers for his new YouTube channel. His family cheers him on as he brainstorms hilariously absurd public jokes to try and make it big on viral videos someday!

Cost: $350

Things Needed:

·         Props/gear for funny public pranks

·         Video editing software

How To:

·         Film yourself pulling good-natured pranks on strangers

·         Post videos to start your own senior prank channel

Tips to Maximize Humor:

·         Collaborate with grandkids for zany stunts

·         Reply to fans in character when hits go viral

Idea #5: Try New Slang

Funny Storyline/Example to Adopt:

My pal Willy got a dictionary of all these crazy millennial phrases that youngsters use. He takes a couple of new ones each week and tries dropping them casual-like when those neighborhood rascals are around – watch their faces twist up like sucking lemons tryna figure out Willy’s new hip lingo! It guaranteed a way to crack us old croakers up this year for sure!

Cost: $0

Things Needed:

·         List of trendy slang terms and definitions

How To:

·         Study up on all the wild new sayings of today’s youth

·         Work slang casually into conversation with grandkids for head-scratchin’ laughs

Tips to Maximize Humor:

·         Combine multiple unrelated terms illogically

·         Use completely wrong definitions or context

 Idea #6: Undercover Boss

Cost: $2

Things Needed:

·         Official ID badge from the internet

·         Hidden camera

How To:

·         Obtain fake company ID credentials online

·         Tell wait staff and clerks you are a secret shopper, filming experiences

Tips to Maximize Humor:

·         Critique petty things like ketchup bottle design

·         Really get into character with a disguised voice/look

Idea #7: America’s Next Top Model Contestant

Funny Storyline/Example to Adopt:

Great-grandma Giselle found photos from her brief modeling days in the 1960s. Feeling inspired, she registered to audition for a senior edition of America’s Next Top Model. We can’t wait to see the judges’ reactions when she struts the runway in handmade outfits and recreates her decades-old catalog poses!

Cost: $750

Things Needed:

·         Audition and entry fees

·         Outrageous modeling photo shoot costumes

·         Over-the-top fashion portfolio

How To:

Apply as a contestant on a reality model competition show. Go all out with embarrassing poses/outfits for judges.

Tips to Maximize Humor:

Recreate poses from actual catalog model days. Share behind-the-scenes drama recordings

Comparing Funny Resolution Ideas #4-7

IdeaCostThings NeededHow to Do
YouTube Prankster$350Prank props/gear, editing softwarePost prank channel content
Next Top Model Contestant$750Entry fees, crazy model clothes/portfolioPoke fun competing on ANTM

Wrapping up

We hope these wacky and Funny New Year’s Resolutions for Seniors give you a laugh!

And if it happens, they catch us making a fool of ourselves, all the better to blackmail them with someday!

We’re old, not dead—let’s get the 2024 party started off right!

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