Happy New Year Poems 2024

New year brings a lot of fun and joy. All of us want to express this ultimate pleasure in words and those collection of beautiful words form great poems and poetry. Do you also want to express your emotions in the form of poems? We got you covered.

Here are 6 newest happy new year poems for 2024 for you.

6 New Happy New Year Poems 2024

Poem 1

Cool breeze ruffles my hair,

Too heavily sweet to smell,

It dances around with much flair,

With deep within a bell.

I care to stand still and stare,

Just on Davies’s advice,

To see the hints so clear and bare,

Which, to surface rise.

The warmth within the cool breeze,

The buds on branch’s edge,

A joyous feeling everywhere seize,

Even the seedling on the ledge.

Great times are yet to come,

With great changes to be,

Something comes with a distant hum,

A colourful thing I can see.

A new life, chance, a way,

For every being over here,

Presents itself dearly, to say,

A Happy, Happy New Year!

Poem 2

They say there’s something ahead,

A new chance, a new life.

Something that will stand in stead,

And prove worth in a time.

Now only some days do remain,

For something new to follow,

And we just wait to gain,

And we are not in it just solo.

You know what new times bring?

To uplift us and sing,

Rain, petrichor and beautiful spring,

To remove all the things that sting.

A white cloud with a silver lining,

Presents itself to say,

“I am here just to do your bidding,

So in good luck you’ll stay.”

So just wish around and sing,

And dance to a holy tune,

Because beautiful times will bring,

A Happy New Year soon!

Poem 3

I’ve heard some news spread around,

That makes everyone’s hearts pound,

It dances around with much flame,

Leaving around no one same,

It gives the lost & forgotten hope,

To still cling tightly to life’s rope.

The lovers look at the sky and smile,

To have their thoughts run a mile.

The poor wish for good times ahead,

Lots of prayers fill their head.

The rich take part in all festivities,

With renowned and famous celebrities.

Because everyone hopes and wishes for the best,

That new times bring with them a guest,

A golden era, a period of prosperity,

A Happy New Year with so much serenity!

Poem 4

Today I sat by the window and wondered,

What I had done the whole past year,

How I had lost myself and blundered,

Faced troubles more than I could bear.

How I had distanced myself from them,

The people I loved the most and cared,

Why I had mislaid the rubies and gem,

And now I sat and, out the window, stared.

I looked at the floating clouds and moon,

My thoughts just drift like them,

And then I see something coming soon,

That brushes away things that condemn,

I look at something colourful and bright,

That gives a chance and opportunity to me,

It’s truly promising and a perfect sight,

A lot of possibilities I can see.

I wander through lakes, streams and meadows.

Hand in hand dearly with you,

I imagine myself free of shadows,

A thousand things I could do.

I could roam around and punch the air,

With happiness, hope and satisfaction,

I could laugh or smile a smile so rare,

Or could do less than usual perfection.

Oh, time! You’re changing so quickly,

I am so glad for you to do so,

I want to step in happily,

In the Happy New Year too!

Poem 5

I smell the air to be sweet today,

A coating of fresh honey,

I think of you happy and gay,

My little cute bunny!

The flowers bloom all day,

The leaves rustle and sing,

I keep every thought at bay,

Except you, me and spring.

I hear midnight bells ringings,

A new year has begun,

Let’s spend the night singing,

And promise ourselves to have fun.

I hope this year brings joy,

And everything you deserve,

We’re going to get great glee, oh boy!

Let happiness and hope just serve.

Poem 6

Do you hear the time passing?

Do you feel it spring by?

Because it’s everything we’re losing,

And what we can do is just sigh.

But let’s not feel down today,

Today is a day of hope,

Let’s wish the good luck to stay,

All over the globe.

I wish you all greatness,

May it stay with you all year,

And prosperity may you possess,

And everything good I hear.

A happy one, a blessed New Year,

Is all today I can sing,

For all the emotions it steers,

While we pray for joy to cling.

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